20th "Seghizzi" International Choral and Solo Voice Composition Contest

Deadline for the submission of compositions: September 30, 2022

Associazione goriziana “Seghizzi” announces the 20th International Choral and Solo Composition Competition “Seghizzi” 2023.

The compositions, unpublished and never awarded in previous composition competitions, must be submitted in a single copy (pdf format) to the secretariat of the international composition competition “Seghizzi” via email at info.seghizzi@gmail.com by 11:59 PM on September 30, 2022, according to the modalities indicated in the announcement.”

Announcement and regulations

Download the complete regulation for the 20th "Seghizzi" International Choral and Solo Voice Composition Contest​.


Associazione Corale Goriziana C.A. Seghizzi is pleased to introduce the jury for the 20th International Choir and Solo Composition Competition […]

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