Results: 19th International Composition Contest “Seghizzi”

On November 19, 2021, at 6:30 PM, the jury of the 19th International Composition Competition “Seghizzi 2021” met online. The jury consisted of the musicians Pietro Ferrario, Mario Giuseppe Lanaro, Gabriele Saro, and Patrick Quaggiato (absent for work reasons). After considering the individual assessments made earlier (including that of Maestro Patrick Quaggiato), the Commission examined those for which a convergence of judgment had been observed. Therefore, after in-depth discussion, the following pieces were selected for the 59th International Choral Singing Competition:


“Ave Verum”, cod. IV081164

“Pulchra es, amica mea”, cod. M70ARIE

Piano and voice:

No composition

The sealed envelopes attached to the aforementioned compositions have been opened, and the corresponding composers are as follows:


BERNARDINO  ZANETTI – “Ave Verum”, cod. IV081164

SCALICI  GIOVANNI – “Pulchra es, amica mea”, cod. M70ARIE

The compositions mentioned above will be included as mandatory pieces in the upcoming edition of the International Choir Singing Competition “Seghizzi,” with the choirs having the option to perform both compositions or just one of them.

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